The client for the bridge in the port area is the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), while the municipal realisation company ReGe will be responsible for the planning and realisation. The aim, in accordance with a resolution of the Hamburg City Parliament (printed paper 22/14809), is to build a bridge with a clearance height of 73.5 metres and to open it to traffic before the year 2040. To this end, acceleration potentials are being specifically evaluated and incorporated.
What the new bridge will look like and how it will be planned is the subject of a procedure that is now beginning. Up to eight internationally active planning offices will participate in a so-called competitive dialogue. The invitation to tender for this procedure has now been published. For challenging projects of this magnitude, only a limited number of offices worldwide come into question. The bidders will simultaneously develop several planning approaches. At the end of the process, not only will the contract for the planning services be awarded, but the basic design and construction will also already be available – among other things, a visual image of the bridge is expected to be established in the fourth quarter of 2025. A panel of experts will select the winning design based on pre-defined criteria.
This is followed by the phase of technical preliminary planning and design planning. The results of this work are needed for the final clarification of the financing and also form the basis for the subsequent plan approval procedure, which is planned from 2030.
The Köhlbrand Bridge provides a cross-connection between the A1 and A7 motorway axes. Its importance for the transport system and its contribution to value creation in the port is reflected in the consistently high traffic figures. The high traffic volume on the bridge therefore requires a wide range of intensive maintenance and repair measures to ensure its traffic safety and to maintain its availability at a high level. Such work will therefore also have to be carried out in the coming year 2025. Among other things, this will require several full closures, as in previous years.
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